James Clark
Personal Trainer at John Warner Sports Centre
- Level 2 Fitness Instructor
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist
- Level 3 GP Referral
- Level 3 Pre/Post Natal
- Level 4 Cancer Rehabilitation
- CHEK Practitioner 1
- CHEK Lifestyle Coach 1
I have always enjoyed being active and love to try as many forms of fitness as possible. I have always been really interested in human biology, and how the body works fascinates me. When it comes to exercise I do not really have a favourite type of training, I do a mixture of all types of strength training, cardio, circuits or hypertrophy. I do not have a goal either, so it is just a case of exercising because I enjoy it!
Why train with me?
The Health and Fitness industry is filled with contradictory information, so for many people it can be confusing, intimidating and comes with no results. I like to keep things simple and follow methods that are proven to work. So whether it is weight loss, performance or rehabilitation, I can help you achieve your goals.