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eGym Plus

eGym Plus

Once you are familiar with eGym and have been working out regularly, you can ask to have your program reviewed and upgraded to eGym Plus to give you further training goals. eGym Plus is free but it can only be activated by one of our instructors.

eGYM min

eGYM Plus

There are eight eGym Plus training goals to choose from, each with four phases of training. EGym will automatically switch to the next phase when you have completed a phase. The computerised training programme will prompt to you undertake a strength test before starting a new phase.

Training Goals in Depth

General FitnessPhase GoalTraining method
Phase 1EnduranceRegular
Phase 2Muscle BuildingAdaptive
Phase 3RobustnessNegative
Phase 4StrengthExplonic
Immunity BoostPhase GoalTraining Method
Phase 1Getting StartedRegular (5/5/5) X1
Phase 2Volume upRegular (5/5/5) X2
Phase 3Intensity upNegative (8/8) X2
Phase 4PeakNegative (9/9) X2
Weight LossPhase GoalTraining Method
Phase 1EnduranceRegular
Phase 2Fat BurnIsokinetic
Phase 3Muscle BuildingAdaptive
Phase 4Fat BurnIsokinetic
Body ToningPhase GoalTraining Method
Phase 1Body ToningNegative
Phase 2Fat BurnIsokinetic
Phase 3Muscle BuildingAdaptive
Phase 4Fat BurnIsokinetic
Muscle BuildingPhase GoalTraining method
Phase 1RobustnessNegative
Phase 2Muscle BuildingAdaptive
Phase 3StrengthExplonic
Phase 4Muscle BuildingAdaptive
AthleticPhase GoalTraining Method
Phase 1RobustnessNegative
Phase 2PowerExplonic
Phase 3Muscle BuildingIsokinetic
Phase 4PowerExplonic
Rehab FitPhase GoalTraining Method
Phase 1MobilizationIsokinetic
Phase 2ActivationIsokinetic
Phase 3Strength InitiationNegative
Phase 4Full FunctionRegular
Metabolic FitPhase GoalTraining Method
Phase 1ActivationNegative
Phase 2MetabolismRegular
Phase 3Fat BurnNegative
Phase 4Muscle BuildingRegular
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