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Centre Rules

Read our centre rules below

Leisure and Sport Centre Rules

Use of facilities and membership is conditional upon observance of these rules and regulations. Facilities are managed by Broxbourne Sport on behalf of Broxbourne Council. The Council reserves the right to alter these rules and regulations at any time. 

These rules and regulations apply to the following facilities: The Laura Trott Leisure Centre (LTLC), Windmill Lane, Cheshunt. The John Warner Sports Centre (JWSC), Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon. 

Any dispute or difference which may arise in regard to the interpretation of these rules and regulations shall be determined by the Council, whose decision shall be final and binding. 

1. Member and Non-Member categories. A customer’s category of membership/use determines which facilities they are entitled to use. The categories of usage are as follows: 

1.1 Members: Unlimited use of gym, exercise classes and swimming. Off peak racket sports (maximum two hours per day, for member’s use only), and sauna and steam rooms (LTLC only). These members are entitled to book up to seven days in advance providing full payment for any activity not included in the membership is made at the time of the booking. 

1.2 Access card holders and casual customers: Standard tariff applies. May book up to five days in advance providing full payment for the activity is made at the time of the booking. 

2. Types of membership. The different types of membership are detailed below and are available only to people who meet the eligibility requirements of that membership class. The Council will require evidence of age, status and other personal details as appropriate/requested.  

2.1 Adult member – aged 18 and over, or 16 and over on an adult membership. 

2.2 Junior member – for children and young people from 11 to 15 years, or to 17 years if on a junior membership. 

2.3 Concession membership – for any person who:• is in full time education• has reached retirement age• is disabled• is on a low income• is a forces widow or widower. 

2.4 Corporate membership – prices are based upon individual rates with discounts available for groups of 10 or more people. 

2.5 Group memberships Up to two or four people. One primary member, 11+ years for linked members. 

3. Charges. 

3.1 Use of Council facilities is subject to payment of the current tariff charges (dependent upon membership category). 

3.2 A list of current tariff charges is available on the centre website. 

3.3 The Council reserves the right at any time to change the tariff charges. 

3.4 The Council reserves the right to refuse payment of any sum due by cash/cheque/credit or debit card.  

3.5 Disabled access – a carer is permitted to attend the facilities free of charge when assisting a disabled person where access or use of facilities would not be possible without their help.  

4. Membership agreement. 

4.1 These rules and regulations form part of each member’s agreement with the Council. 

5. Membership cards. 

5.1 Each member will be issued with a membership card, which must be shown each time a member enters or uses the facilities. Membership cards may not be lent to or used by another person. If a membership card is used by any person other than the member, the membership may be terminated and no refunds will be made. 

5.2 The Council reserves the right to charge a fee for the replacement of lost membership cards. 

5.3 Membership is a contractual agreement between Broxbourne Council and an individual. A member may not transfer his or her membership to another person. 

6. Conduct. 

6.1 The Council has the right to prevent any customer from using facilities whose behaviour or appearance is deemed by the Council to be unsafe, unsuitable to the effective operation of the facility or negatively affects other centre users. 

6.2 All customers must show consideration for one another and the Council’s staff when using Council facilities/services. In particular, profane or abusive language and the threat or use of violence will not be tolerated. 

6.3 All customers must obey notices and signs on display in the Council’s facilities. It is the customer’s responsibility to read any information on notice boards/displays and to ensure that they, their children and any junior customer for whom they are responsible, abide by these notices and signs while using the Council’s facilities. 

6.4 Fire exits, which are clearly marked, are there in the interests of public safety and for use in the event of a fire only. Customers are asked to make their way, in an orderly fashion to the nearest available exit in response to an alarm or an instruction from a member of staff. 

6.5 For the safety and comfort of all customers, a form of dress and footwear appropriate to the activity in which they are participating in must be worn. No open shoes, and no denim, abrasive or restrictive clothing.  

6.6 In the interest of safety and hygiene, crockery, glasses, food and drink are not permitted in any facility area, other than the vending, bar, and café areas.  

6.7 Pets (with the exception of guide dogs) are not permitted in Council facilities. Guide dogs are not permitted in the swimming pool areas. 

6.8 Casual viewing of activities is only permitted from a designated viewing area.  

6.9 Smoking and the use of any form of e-cigarette is not permitted anywhere in the facility. 

7. Cancellation of rights to use facilities. 

7.1 The Council reserves the right, to cancel or suspend the membership of any member or stop any customer from using facilities where, at the Council’s absolute discretion, there has been or is likely to be a breach of these rules and regulations or the membership agreement, or where any amounts owed to the Council by the customer have not been paid. In the event of such suspension or cancellation, no refund of joining fees, membership subscription or session/hire fees will be made. 

7.2 Any customer whose conduct is deemed to be improper or likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or good reputation of the Council, may be reprimanded or have their membership or rights to use facilities and services suspended or cancelled by the Council. The Council shall be the sole judge of what constitutes such conduct. In the event of such suspension or cancellation, no refund of joining fees, membership subscription or session/hire fees will be made. 

7.3 Suspension of your membership. You can request to suspend your membership. The minimum suspension period is three months and the maximum is six months. During your suspension period a monthly fee of £10 will be applied per month of suspension. If you are suspending a two-person and four-person group membership, all members linked will be suspended.  
We will confirm your suspension within 10 days of receiving your letter. If you do not receive confirmation within 10 days you must inform us. It is your responsibility to ensure we have received your request, otherwise we reserve the right to continue to request payments from your account and a new suspension request will be required. Suspensions cannot be applied retroactively. Any period of suspension will be added to the minimum length of your membership. 

8. Swimming pool. 

8.1 The Council reserves the right to reserve the pool at certain times for swimming lessons, galas, children’s parties and other types of bookings as deemed suitable by the Council. 

8.2 All customers use the swimming pool at their own risk. 

8.3 For health and hygiene reasons, customers are requested to shower before entering the swimming pool. 

8.4 Cameras, radios, phones, flippers, floats, snorkels and any other equipment which the Council in its absolute discretion deem to be detrimental to the use of the pool, are not permitted. 

9. Liability. 

9.1 The Council’s liability for damage or loss to customers’ property is strictly limited to any damage or loss suffered as a result of the negligence of the Council, its staff or its agents. With this exception, the Council will not accept liability for the safety of customers’ personal property brought on to the premises. Property stored in lockers provided by the Council is stored at the customers’ own risk and no liability will be accepted by the Council. Lockers are for daily use and any items left in them overnight will be removed and kept for a period of four weeks, after which time the Council will have no responsibility for them. 

9.2 Vehicles parked in Broxbourne Council car parks or elsewhere on Council facility grounds and all contents in them, are parked at the customer’s risk and the Council will accept no responsibility whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage (however caused). 

9.3 The Council cannot accept liability for any accident or injury to any customer that may occur on the premises or within the grounds of the Council’s facilities other than liability which may arise from the negligence of the Council, its staff or its agents. Any customer who suffers an accident or injury in or on Council premises must report the accident or injury, and the circumstances under which it occurred, to a Council member of staff immediately following the accident or injury. 

9.4 Customers should not undertake any physical activity which they are not fit for and are responsible for monitoring their own physical condition while undertaking activities. The Council will not be in any way be responsible for any harm to a customer as a result of his/her undertaking any activity unless caused by negligence of the Council, its staff or its agents. 

10. Physical activity. 

10.1 Each customer is responsible for monitoring their physical condition and physical activity undertaken at Council facilities. Should any unusual symptoms occur the customer must immediately stop the activity and inform a member of staff. 

10.2 All Gym customers must complete a gym induction before using any of the equipment in the gym. Gym customers must present their membership/access card each time they visit the gym. 

10.3 Gym customers must read and sign the centre’s health commitment. 

10.4 Entry to exercise classes is not permitted after the warm up period. 

11. Facilities and Admissions. 

11.1 Customers are entitled to use the facilities as specified within their relevant category and class of membership in accordance with these rules and regulations and the membership agreement. The Council reserves the right to add to or change the facilities/services. The Council may also at any time withdraw all or any part of such facilities for any period(s) if they are required for tournaments, exhibitions, other bookings or activities; for refurbishments, new developments, and repair, alteration or maintenance work. Notice of such variations will be given by the Council where possible. 

11.2 The opening and closing times for the activities at Council facilities shall be determined by the Council and may be varied from time to time at the Council’s discretion. These times will be displayed on the centre’s website and/or on the relevant centre’s notice board. 

12. Children (up to 16 years). 

12.1 Children under the age of eight must be supervised at all times whilst at Council facilities by an adult, unless the child is attending an organised club/session activity. 

12.2 Up to seven years of age: One adult to two children. 

  • All children up to seven years must be accompanied both in the changing rooms and the water by an adult. 
  • The person accompanying the child should be over 16 or the biological parent (if younger). 
  • The person must be in the water and maintain constant watch and be in close contact. Please note: the above policy restricts bathers to the learner pool only. 
  • Eight years and over (those who are non or weak swimmers). 
  • Supervision in the changing room and water is required. 
  • Must be accompanied by an adult and should be over 16 years of age. 
  • The accompanying person must be in the water and maintain constant watch and be in close contact. 

Eight years and over (competent swimmers) 

  • No supervision needed 

12.3 Customers must be 16 years of age or over to use all of the gym equipment. Those aged 14 and 15 can use specific equipment in the gym during the youth session times detailed on the centre’s website. 

12.4 All customers are responsible for the behaviour and actions of their children at all times while they are using any Council facility. The Council is entitled to suspend or terminate a member’s membership and/or ban customers from using Council facilities/services in the event of a breach of these rules and regulations by a child of that customer. 

12.5 Children who have reached the age of eight must use the changing facilities and toilets designated for their own sex. 

13. Activity area/session/court bookings. 

13.1 Bookings can be made online or via the app. Bookings can also be made over the phone or in person during centre opening hours. 

13.2 The Council reserves the right to pre-book courts and other facility areas for tournaments, exhibitions and other activities. 

13.3 Members may pre-book facilities up to seven days in advance provided full payment for the activity is made at the time of the booking for any activity not included in the membership. 

13.4 Access card holders/non-members may pre-book facilities up to five days in advance provided full payment for the activity is made at the time of the booking. 

13.5 Bookings for any activity cancelled more than one hour prior to the booking time will incur no charge and any charge paid in advance will be issued a credit for future use. Customers that cancel any activity with less than one-hour notice are required to pay the full activity fee and may be subject to a penalty charge. If a customer fails to attend a pre-booked activity, then the full activity fee is payable. Cancellation of block bookings will be subject to the specified contractual arrangements. 

13.6 All customers must vacate the activity area promptly at the end of their session. 

14. Miscellaneous. 

14.1 Lost Property. Any lost property found must be immediately handed in to the reception or to a member of staff. Items found at Council facilities will be available for collection during normal opening hours. Items will be held for a period of four weeks only before being given to a charity or disposed of. Please be aware bottles, undergarments and any items deemed to be unhygienic will be disposed of that day. 

14.2 Parking. All customers must park appropriately and within the markings of a bay. Vehicles parked in designated disabled bays without displaying a disabled person’s badge or outside the markings of a bay may be clamped and a removal fee will be charged. The Council are not responsible for any loss or damage to vehicles. 

14.3 Parking at The Laura Trott Leisure Centre. One car parking permit is issued to adult members. The conditions of use can be found on the back of the permit. The permit is valid: 

  • only while the member is attending the centre 
  • only if clearly displayed throughout the period of parking 
  • only if a parking space is available, it does not guarantee a parking space 
  • only for the vehicle specified on the permit and until the expiry date 
  • only when the service area is open 

One car parking permit is issued by the Council to swim school customers. The conditions of use can be found on the back of the permit. The permit is valid: 

  • only for the dates and times specified on the permit 
  • only if clearly displayed throughout the period of parking 
  • only if a parking space is available it does not guarantee a parking space 
  • only for the vehicle specified on the permit and until the expiry date. 

Members and Swim School permits are subject to the terms and conditions of use of the car park (details of which can be found on the information boards located throughout the car park). Any vehicle, which is parked in breach of the conditions of use of a permit and/or the car park terms and conditions of use, will be issued with a penalty charge. 

Any customer without a valid parking permit must display a valid ‘Pay & Display’ ticket or paid via the approved parking app, when using the car park. Only customers attending a centre run activity are entitled to free parking and must register at reception. 

Any vehicle not complying with the terms and conditions of use of the car park will be liable to a penalty charge as indicated on the information boards. Any queries relating to the use of this car park should be referred to Parking Control, Borough Offices, Bishops’ College, Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 9XG. Tel 01992 785555. 

14.4 Damage caused/decorations. 

No customer shall: 

  • make any alterations/additions to any of the Council facilities, its fixtures and 
  • fittings, apparatus, equipment, furniture or other contents 
  • put up any decorations or notices (whether internal or external). 

Every customer shall pay to the Council on demand the amount of any damage done or occasioned to its fixtures, fittings, apparatus, equipment, furniture or other contents by themselves or any person under their care or control. 

In the event of more than one customer occasioning the damage, the liability of each customer shall be joint and several. 

The amount of such damage as assessed by the centre’s Manager shall be final and binding. 

14.5 Faulty Equipment. All customers shall report to a member of staff details of any fault in equipment or amenity immediately upon discovery. 

14.6 The Council has the right to prevent the entry into Council facilities of any member whose membership has been suspended or cancelled. 

14.7 Any complaint by a customer should be addressed in the first instance to a member of staff. If the customer is dissatisfied with the response they receive then they should contact the centre. 

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